Senin, 29 September 2014

[N995.Ebook] Download PDF Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide, by Rachel Glennerster, Kudzai Takavarasha

Download PDF Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide, by Rachel Glennerster, Kudzai Takavarasha

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Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide, by Rachel Glennerster, Kudzai Takavarasha

Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide, by Rachel Glennerster, Kudzai Takavarasha

Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide, by Rachel Glennerster, Kudzai Takavarasha

Download PDF Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide, by Rachel Glennerster, Kudzai Takavarasha

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Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide, by Rachel Glennerster, Kudzai Takavarasha

This book provides a comprehensive yet accessible guide to running randomized impact evaluations of social programs. Drawing on the experience of researchers at the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, which has run hundreds of such evaluations in dozens of countries throughout the world, it offers practical insights on how to use this powerful technique, especially in resource-poor environments.

This step-by-step guide explains why and when randomized evaluations are useful, in what situations they should be used, and how to prioritize different evaluation opportunities. It shows how to design and analyze studies that answer important questions while respecting the constraints of those working on and benefiting from the program being evaluated. The book gives concrete tips on issues such as improving the quality of a study despite tight budget constraints, and demonstrates how the results of randomized impact evaluations can inform policy.

With its self-contained modules, this one-of-a-kind guide is easy to navigate. It also includes invaluable references and a checklist of the common pitfalls to avoid.

  • Provides the most up-to-date guide to running randomized evaluations of social programs, especially in developing countries
  • Offers practical tips on how to complete high-quality studies in even the most challenging environments
  • Self-contained modules allow for easy reference and flexible teaching and learning
  • Comprehensive yet nontechnical

  • Sales Rank: #218042 in Books
  • Published on: 2013-11-24
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.40" h x 1.30" w x 5.40" l, 1.25 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 480 pages

From the Back Cover

"The popularity of randomized evaluations among researchers and policymakers is growing and holds great promise for a world where decision making will be based increasingly on rigorous evidence and creative thinking. However, conducting a randomized evaluation can be daunting. There are many steps, and decisions made early on can have unforeseen implications for the life of the project. This book, based on more than a decade of personal experience by a foremost practitioner and a wealth of knowledge gathered over the years by researchers at J-PAL, provides both comfort and guidance to anyone seeking to engage in this process."--Esther Duflo, codirector of J-PAL and coauthor of Poor Economics

"Randomized impact evaluations, pioneered by Rachel Glennerster and her colleagues, have emerged as a powerful new tool in the fight against poverty. This book gives us a critical guide for how to actually do them. It is required reading for students, professionals, and researchers committed to using evidence to guide policy."--Dean Karlan, coauthor of More Than Good Intentions

"I have been searching for a book to train my students, research assistants, and field staff to design and implement social policy experiments. My search is over. Running Randomized Evaluations provides practical guidance covering all stages of an experiment--wisdom that previously could be acquired only by working directly for an evaluation expert."--Jeffrey B. Liebman, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

"Impact evaluation is a key resource for improving development effectiveness, yet until now it was inaccessible to people--policymakers, NGO staff, and development professionals of all kinds. Oftentimes, we get stuck in the theoretical discourse and philosophical debate and miss the chance to talk about the practical toolkit needed to actually do impact evaluation. Running Randomized Evaluations will significantly contribute to accelerate advancements in the field by making the tools of the trade accessible and user-friendly. This is a must-read guide for policymakers, practitioners, and donors alike."--Jodi Nelson, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

About the Author
Rachel Glennerster is executive director of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Kudzai Takavarasha holds degrees in chemical engineering and economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and was a policy manager at J-PAL from 2004 to 2012.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
While the topic an be a bit dry and technical to a novice like me, I recognize that the author still did ...
By Daren Moon
Bought this for an M&E class. While the topic an be a bit dry and technical to a novice like me, I recognize that the author still did a good job in making the concepts understandable and engaging (as much as possible). I've read other related books and taken statistics, and generally the texts are more difficult and boring to read. Rachel Glennerster also has a blog based around the book, with online resources that I find interesting.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
This book is fantastic. It is easy to read and delivers a ...
By Charlotte Antoine
This book is fantastic. It is easy to read and delivers a very important message : randomizing is the key to statistically evaluate the impact of projects. The authors use many different examples of evaluations that help visualize ans understand the whole process.

0 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Best guide for impact evaluations in international development
By Virginia
I work for USAID and I hope this book will be used to inform our staff about impact evaluations: when to use them and how to set them up so that they provide the precision needed and within a reasonable budget.

See all 5 customer reviews...

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Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide, by Rachel Glennerster, Kudzai Takavarasha PDF

Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide, by Rachel Glennerster, Kudzai Takavarasha PDF
Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide, by Rachel Glennerster, Kudzai Takavarasha PDF

Jumat, 26 September 2014

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Only an Irish Boy (Stories of Success), by Horatio Alger

Andy Burke is as witty as he is hard working, even if he is Only an Irish Boy!

Horatio Alger was once crowned "America's best-selling author of all time". His works are back, and they read like never before. You will fall in love with these stories of success!

  • Sales Rank: #137729 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-05-06
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 357 minutes

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Got what I paid for
By MaxCope
Binding very worn, but all was properly disclosed and can be repaired, its a classic that I saw on the Ronald Reagan's library shelf. YGWYPF

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Minggu, 21 September 2014

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Inked: Tattoos and Body Art around the World [2 volumes], by Margo DeMello

In recent decades, tattoos have gone from being a subculture curiosity in Western culture to mainstream and commonplace. This two-volume set provides broad coverage of tattooing and body art in the United States today as well as around the world and throughout human history.

• Provides the most complete global overview of tattooing and body art as it exists today and throughout history, available in one resource

• Addresses the major practices, their historical and cross-cultural locations, and the major cultural groups and places in which tattooing has played a central role in social and cultural practices

• Covers individuals who helped popularize tattooing, the major theoretical issues surrounding tattooing, the laws and customs regarding tattooing, the many ways in which tattooing has played a role in various marketing and advertising campaigns, and the social movements that have influenced or been affected by tattooing

• Includes a comprehensive list of resources such as magazines, organizations, websites, and museums devoted to tattooing as well as a glossary and comprehensive bibliography

  • Sales Rank: #2488373 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-05-30
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 2
  • Dimensions: 10.20" h x 2.40" w x 7.30" l, 4.76 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 809 pages

About the Author

Margo DeMello, PhD, is adjunct professor of anthropology and sociology at Central New Mexico Community College, Albuquerque, NM, and adjunct professor of anthrozoology at Canisius College, Buffalo, NY.

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Rabu, 17 September 2014

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Life & Death, by Robert Creeley

In 1999 Robert Creeley received the prestigious Bollingen Prize in Poetry and was elected a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets. Both honors made specific note of his experimental style, his long influence, and his ongoing importance. Creeley's 1998 collection, Life & Death, now available as a New Directions Paperbook, is the capstone of a career that has poignantly combined "linguistic abstraction with specificity of time and place" (R.D. Pohl, Buffalo News).

  • Sales Rank: #1144472 in Books
  • Color: Other
  • Published on: 2000-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.94" h x .32" w x 5.37" l, .27 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 96 pages

From Library Journal
Creeley's poems have always been to-the-point, but here they are scrubbed down to the essentials, as befits the theme: Creeley is a mature poet, looking back on life and considering what (little) might lie ahead. Intense, shadowed, and powerfully restrained, these poems are miniatures but hardly small. Creeley has packed them with tremendous vision.
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Creeley has been a seminal figure of the second half of the 20th century. -- From the Citation for the 1999 Bolligen Prize in Poetry

About the Author
Robert Creeley (1926-2005) published more than sixty books of poetry, prose, essays, and interviews in the United States and abroad, including "If I Were Writing This, Selected Poems 1945-1990, The Collected Poems of Robert Creeley, 1975-2005, "and "The Island. "His many honors include the Lannan Lifetime Achievement Award, the Frost Medal, the Shelley Memorial Award, and the Bollingen Prize in Poetry. He was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and Distinguished Professor in the Graduate Program in Literary Arts at Brown University.

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
The concise conversationalist
By Shalom Freedman
William Carlos Williams seems to me the poet closest to Creeley, or the one Creeley is closest to. Small lines of ordinary speech and life which occasionally come more alive and striking. Creeley it seems to me presents a kind of stream- of- consciousness of what he sees now. He is famous for his line- breaks and knowing how to stop the sound and sight in the right place. What he feels and believes about life and love is perhaps given in the fact that he was known as the most congenial conversationalist of poets, and also one most generous to others. He loved the word ' home' and wrote in his last years much about the process of 'aging' .

9 of 12 people found the following review helpful.
Er, well, good yes good
By Pianomover
Quite like Creeley's/ older lines, but/ longer/ and more particular/ even in/ their ambiguity./ Now when/ he's not sure/ he's not/ so nervous./ Lovely really.
Actually I liked it./ Really like it./ Read it aloud/ over breakfast sometimes./

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Wonderful book, wonderful delivery
By Documentaries
I really recommend books from this vendor, [...] and, of course, from the great Robert Creeley. The book was carefully packed, and included postcards from the author, and bookmark. Quite lovely.

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Selasa, 16 September 2014

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Edward Weston - Nudes - Remembrance by Charis Wilson, by Charis Weston EdwardWilson

  • Sales Rank: #15454054 in Books
  • Published on: 1905-06-14
  • Binding: Paperback

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[Z912.Ebook] Fee Download I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed (Charlie and Lola), by Lauren Child

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I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed (Charlie and Lola), by Lauren Child

I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed (Charlie and Lola), by Lauren Child

I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed (Charlie and Lola), by Lauren Child

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I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed (Charlie and Lola), by Lauren Child

It's bedtime for Charlie and Lola, the hilarious siblings from I WILL NEVER NOT EVER EAT A TOMATO.

Night owl Lola likes to stay up coloring and scribbling and wriggling and bouncing and chattering. Lola never gets tired. How can big brother Charlie convince her it's time for bed? Heralded by the WASHINGTON POST as "a delightful new voice in children's books," author-illustrator Lauren Child splashes her offbeat sense of humor and unique artwork all over this bedtime story. Laugh out loud at Lola's imaginative antics, but save a cheer for kind, patient Charlie, the big brother we'd all love to have.

  • Sales Rank: #62044 in Books
  • Brand: Candlewick Press
  • Model: 1680360
  • Published on: 2005-08-09
  • Released on: 2005-08-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.90" h x .20" w x 9.90" l, .45 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 32 pages
  • Great product!

From Publishers Weekly
In this equally spirited follow-up to I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato, big brother Charlie faces a new challenge: to cajole his sister, Lola, into bed. "Lola likes to stay up coloring and scribbling and sticking and wriggling and bouncing and most of all chattering," remarks the patient older sibling. Chatter she does, as the comic dialogue between the two attests. Warning that "I will probably still be perky at even 13 o'clock," Lola trots out some imaginative procrastination maneuvers. Charlie offers her a subtle bribe: " `If there's no bedtime there can be no bedtime drink, and it's strawberry milk tonight.' (Lola really likes strawberry milk.)" Lola counters that her three tiger pals need a similar treat as well. Creative situations also arise when it comes to toothbrushing (she says that a lion is using her toothbrush) and bathtime (she insists whales are swimming in the bathtub). Child's collages juxtapose photographs of flannel pajamas, bubble gum-pink toothpaste tube and bath bubbles with childlike drawings framed in exotic wallpaper patterns. These images emanate as much energy as does Lola herself, with text in an array of sizes and typefaces. Once again, Child tackles a common childhood conundrum with boundless imagination and zip. Ages 4-8.

Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

From School Library Journal
reS-Gr 1-Charlie and his sister, introduced in I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato (Candlewick, 2000) return, this time in a whimsical bedtime tale. Charlie informs readers that when his parents ask him to put his sister to bed, "This is a hard job because Lola likes to stay up late.-most of all chattering." When he says, "But all the birds have gone to sleep," she does not fall for his logic: "But I am not a bird, Charlie." He tries to bribe her with her favorite drink, strawberry milk; she tells him that the three tigers at the table want some, too. And so this imaginative adventure continues-Lola and a lion brush their teeth, she takes a bath with a whale, Charlie phones two dancing dogs to ask whether she may borrow their pajamas. After hopping into bed at last, "small and very funny" Lola informs her brother that there is a hippopotamus in his bed. The illustrations and text are appealingly quirky and lively. The exuberant colors and patterns provide visual stimuli, and the varied fonts and sizes of the text and clever layout of the mixed-media artwork are sure to please. The cartoonlike characters are set against a surreal, collage background. The story is certain to remind youngsters of similar experiences, and is appropriate for storytimes and one-on-one sharing.

Olga R. Kuharets, Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County, NC

Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist
Ages 4-8. In I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato (2000), older brother Charlie tries every ploy to get his stubborn, wildly imaginative younger sister, Lola, to eat. In this book, Charlie's still struggling, but this time, he's trying to get Lola to bed. Again he tries everything, and Lola has a fine excuse each step of the way. She can't brush her teeth because a lion is using her toothbrush. She can't put on her pajamas because they belong to dancing dogs who must be telephoned first. As in Child's previous titles, simple, appealing text plays straight man to the comedy in the collage illustrations--a riot of scribbled drawings, kitschy fabric swatches, and modern design that show Lola's version of things: the lion holds a toothbrush; the pajama-clad dogs leap joyfully. Whether they spot themselves in Charlie or in Lola, young ones will enjoy this exuberant, hilarious spin on the bedtime story. Gillian Engberg
Copyright � American Library Association. All rights reserved

Most helpful customer reviews

18 of 18 people found the following review helpful.
Bedtime book for an older (or younger) sibling
By A Customer
Lauren Child provides another Charlie and Lola story for everyone who loved "I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato." Lola refuses to go to bed and her longsuffering older brother, Charlie, tries all sorts of subtle manipulations to convince her otherwise. My favorite argument is for Lola's favorite bedtime drink, strawberry milk, which she can only have if she is headed to bed. Lola thinks up more excuses for avoiding bedtime than most children I have dealt with.
This picture book serves as a great book for a frustrated child with younger, irrational siblings, but the humor can be appreciated by all. The books remind me of Judy Blume's "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" and "Superfudge" which chronicle another oldest child's trials and tribulations with younger siblings. The love, although exasperated, is apparent in Charlie and Lola's relationship. I highly recommend both Charlie and Lola books.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Very funny story! Book was used but in EXCELLENT CONDITION!!! Thank you!!
By Laughingdaisies
This is the SWEETEST story EVER!!! We own this book....but bought this as a gift! Very funny story! Book was used....but in practically brand new conditon! Thank you! Thank you!!!!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
hip design, fun book
By T. Johnson
My daughter is 2 1/2 and this book is her favorite. The design is very colorful and interesting, and the dialogue between the characters, Lola and her brother Charlie, is the way real kids talk. Lola doesn't want to go to bed, and it is Charlie's job to get her there. Lola has quite an imagination and Charlie must give bedtime drinks to imaginary tigers, shoo a whale down the drain before Lola can bathe, etc. This book is great for toddlers. Lauren Child's Clarice Bean books are for older kids, but my daughter also loves those too, as does my six year old niece. The best are Clarice Bean, That's Me, and What Planet are you from, Clarice Bean?

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I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed (Charlie and Lola), by Lauren Child PDF

I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed (Charlie and Lola), by Lauren Child PDF
I Am Not Sleepy and I Will Not Go to Bed (Charlie and Lola), by Lauren Child PDF

Sabtu, 13 September 2014

[Y752.Ebook] Free PDF Create a WordPress Website: In Ten Easy Steps, by Mari Kane

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Create a WordPress Website: In Ten Easy Steps, by Mari Kane

Create a WordPress Website: In Ten Easy Steps, by Mari Kane

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Create a WordPress Website: In Ten Easy Steps, by Mari Kane

In this easy-to-read, fully-linked ebook you’ll learn the ten steps to launching a WordPress website. Written for non-technical business people by writer, blogger and WordPress consultant Mari Kane of Vancouver, BC. Pulled from posts from her blog, Now updated for WordPress Version 4.5.

  • Sales Rank: #1359885 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-01-28
  • Released on: 2015-01-28
  • Format: Kindle eBook

The book is easy to understand and the didactic is great! Topics of excellent quality with professional instructions. I recommend it for those who already act as Web Designers and for those who want to enter this market!Marcelo GamaYoga Vida

From the Author
The idea for�this ebook�came to me as I was sitting in a seminar full of musicians who came to learn how to improve their businesses using Web technologies. The presenters talked about websites, blogs, social media and video, saying, 'you've got to do this and then do that.'�

One man finally said, "Where can I read about all this in one place?" Their answer? Nowhere. "You just have to pick it up wherever you find the information," he was told.

As a blogger, web designer, and WordPress tutor, I agreed that a businessperson should have a guide to building a web presence in one easy read. So, I wrote the series, Create a WordPress Website in Ten Easy Steps, for my blog,�

This series has everything an entrepreneur must to do to build a Communication Management System (CMS) that will serve their business to the world.�

Now, in ebook form and updated for WordPress v.4.5,�Create a WordPress Website in Ten Easy Steps�is the best guide to creating an attractive, functional website, and finally taking control your Web presence.

I hope it helps you.

About the Author
Mari Kane is a Blogger, Web Designer and WordPress Consultant living in Vancouver, BC.
When she's not designing WordPress blogsites and helping people with their own, Mari blogs about blogging at If you subscribe to�, you'll receive a pdf of her latest ebook, Escalate Your WordPress Website.Mari also has a blog about wine called�

Mari also web masters for the BC Association of Travel Writers at, and guest blogs at, and Follow Mari on Twitter�

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
More Than Just a Standout Website Development book
By Debra L Walker
This guide goes well beyond the basics of creating a Wordpress website. The author takes you from the very beginning steps of getting yourself set up and on your way to having a web presence. I am an experienced Wordpress user but this book was able to "top up" my skills with excellent tips and updated my knowledge to the next level. The book is written in easy to understand instructions and a great blend of visual and written explanations. Well done! I'd recommend this book to both experienced as well as those just starting out.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent, Comprehensive and Worth Every Penny.
By Hella Prante
I have a complementary copy of this book but still want to let readers know that Mari has covered everything required to produce a wonderful, functional WordPress site. Mari walks the reader through every step in a clear and concise manner.Thanks.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Mari Kane for Wordpress help!
Get started with Wordpress with Mari Kane at your side. She makes it succinct and easy!

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Create a WordPress Website: In Ten Easy Steps, by Mari Kane PDF

Create a WordPress Website: In Ten Easy Steps, by Mari Kane PDF
Create a WordPress Website: In Ten Easy Steps, by Mari Kane PDF

Jumat, 12 September 2014

[W434.Ebook] Free PDF The Leader's Handbook: Making Things Happen, Getting Things Done, by Peter Scholtes

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The Leader's Handbook: Making Things Happen, Getting Things Done, by Peter Scholtes

The Leader's Handbook: Making Things Happen, Getting Things Done, by Peter Scholtes

The Leader's Handbook: Making Things Happen, Getting Things Done, by Peter Scholtes

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The Leader's Handbook: Making Things Happen, Getting Things Done, by Peter Scholtes

Lead your organization into the 21st century with the help of this groundbreaking book that is already creating a stir in corporate boardrooms across America! In a book that does for managers what his mega-bestseller, The Team Handbook, did for teams, Peter Scholtes, who is widely acknowledged as one of the most influential Quality leaders of the decade, shows the real root of management problems. Learn how to stop blaming your workers and start changing the systems with the help of activities and exercises that enable you to immediately begin implementing breakthrough improvements in all your work processes!

  • Sales Rank: #334807 in Books
  • Color: White
  • Brand: McGraw-Hill
  • Published on: 1997-12-22
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.80" h x 1.15" w x 8.20" l, 1.90 pounds
  • Binding: Spiral-bound
  • 415 pages
  • Great product!

From the Back Cover

For Anyone Serious About Leading Their Organization Into the 21St Century

This groundbreaking book, already creating a stir, could only have been written by Peter R. Scholtes��author of the best-selling book ever written on teams: The Team Handbook. In The Leader's Handbook, Scholtes, widely acknowledged as one of the most influential teachers of leadership and management of the decade, does for managers what The Team Handbook did for teams. Scholtes shows how bad systems, not bad workers, cause the vast majority of management problems. He takes controversial stands against performance appraisals and incentive compensation. And he takes you from theory to practice with a wide variety of state-of-the-art activities and exercises to help you immediately begin implementing breakthrough improvements in all your work processes.

About the Author

Peter R. Scholtes is an internationally known author, lecturer, and consultant. From 1987 to 1993 Mr. Scholtes shared the platform with W. Edwards Deming, helping to educate corporations about the new philosophy of the Quality movement. He was one of the first to synthesize the principles of the organizational development field with the teachings of Dr. Deming. Mr. Scholtes is the author of The Team Handbook. He has written award-winning articles on several Quality-related topics, especially with Dr. Deming's encouragement, on the controversial topic of performance appraisal: What's wrong with it and what to do instead. He is a popular keynote speaker at international conferences in such places as London, Sydney, Moscow, and Rio de Janeiro. In March of 1995, Quality Digest recognized Mr. Scholtes as one of the 50 Quality leaders of this decade.

Most helpful customer reviews

27 of 28 people found the following review helpful.
A model for the leaders of the future.
By A Customer
I knew that the organization I work for was stuck in the stone-age (Dismal Leaders). Then Something amazing happened. Upper management decided we needed a change. Due to my backround in Teambuilding, I was asked to Champion the change for the future. I decided to utilize most of the things I learned from reading this insightful book. The results to this point have been outstanding. People are beginning to come out of their shells and be creative again. Barriers are slowly coming down throughout the organization. Real Work is getting done through cross-funtional teams of people who care about customer satisfaction. We have a long way to go, but as long as management sticks to their word, change will happen. This book is a useful tool for that transformation.Everyone who is in a management position should read this book and learn what it's like to truely lead your fellow workers. I also recommend the Team Handbook.

30 of 32 people found the following review helpful.
Practical, incisive and visionary handbook
By Amazon Customer
Scholtes expects to shock people right from the first page of his Preface. Let me quote extensively:
"More than 95 percent of your organization's problems derive from your systems, processes, and methods, not from your individual workers....

We look to the heroic efforts of outstanding individuals for our successful work. Instead we must create systems that routinely allow excellent work to result from the ordinary efforts of ordinary people.

Changing the system will change what people do. Changing what people do will not change the system.

Certain common management approaches--management by objectives, performance appraisal, merit pay, pay for performance, and ISO 9000--represent not leadership but the abdication of leadership.

Current buzzwords like empowerment, accountability, and high performance are meaningless, empty babble..." (ix-x)

The old organizations's leaders need: forcefulness, ability to motivate and inspire, decisiveness, willfulness, assertiveness, result- and bottom-line orientation, being task-oriented and having integrity and diplomacy.

Scholtes' new leadership competencies (much influenced by Edward Deming's ideas...) are based on a new mentality and understanding of: systems thinking, variability of work, how we learn, psychology and human behavior, interactions of these components, and vision, meaning, direction and focus.

The bulk of the book gives clear elaborations of these new competencies, with charts, illustrations, pertinent questions and many tools. Ch. 4 on "Getting the Daily Work Done" is a tough one, partly because it takes much effort to grasp the author's use of a Japanese term, "Gemba" (even when I can read the original Chinese characters). Issues of waste, standardization, change versus improvement, performance without appraisal, use of measurement data... are all seen in the new light of systems thinking.
Carefully study the differences between "Crazymakers" and "Healing and Learning" in the workplace (pp378-387). There is a summary of the book under "The 47 Habits of Pretty Good Leaders" (pp391-6). Peter Senge's books give excellent background material. This one is a real handbook that should be methodically studied, discussed, adapted and applied to one's own institutions. One must not forget the advice given in Chapter 1: "leaders must be patient with themselves and others, persistent, and humble, and allow themselves and others to be inelegant." (p12,p391)

14 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Great Book on Process & Quality Improvement
By Kevin Mackie
This is a very good book that I would recommend to any manager. I also think many employees would learn a lot from reading this book as well. So why just three stars?

The main reason is because the book talks very little in the way of leadership or inspiring your people. This is a book primarily focused on process and quality improvement, but learning about leadership and inspiring my employees is the reason I bought this book. To me, the difference between a manager and a leader is that the successful manager gets his people to do what needs to be done. A successful leader gets his people to *want* to do what needs to be done. There was a lot more information on that topics in The Team Handbook, which Scholtes co-wrote.

The truth is that I think this is a very good book, and I'd gladly give it four stars if the title was more descriptive of the book's content. What I like most about this book is the way Scholter walks the reader through the thought process of analyzing an existing process and finding ways to improve it. He bases many of his principles from Deming's work on quality improvement and, not surprisingly, many of his examples are from Japanese companies. Many of his ideas transfer easily to the American workforce, but I'm not convinced that all of them would be so effective outside of Japan, due to the cultural differences between the two workforces.

Amazon has enabled Search Inside This Book, so I would encourage anybody thinking about purchasing this book to take a peek and see the topics that Scholter covers. Flip through the Surprise Me feature and you'll likely see some of the many charts and diagrams that Scholter uses to great effect to show the reader a process, or give them a tool to analyze their own processes.

The only area that didn't sit well with me is Chapter 9, Performance without Appraisal. In this chapter it appears as though Scholtes' premise is that workers belong to McGregor's Theory X camp. While some are, the overly simplistic approach that assumes all are makes this chapter very frustrating to read. He spends a lot of time highlighting the fault of performance management, but he provides very little insight how to do it another way.

The net is that this is a very informative book presented in a very clear manner that can provide benefit for almost every manager. The title is a little misleading, so make sure you flip through the book before buying it.

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Kamis, 11 September 2014

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Great American Stories 2, Third Edition, by C. G. Draper

Introduce your students to the works of famous American authors, while helping them build their reading, vocabulary, writing, and discussion skills. The Great American Stories series features adaptations of classic stories that progress in difficulty throughout each collection.

  • Sales Rank: #712542 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Pearson Education ESL
  • Published on: 2001-07-31
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.10" h x .40" w x 5.50" l, .43 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 166 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

From the Back Cover

Introduce your students to the works of famous American authors, while helping them build their reading, vocabulary, writing, and discussion skills.
The Great American Stories series features adaptations of classic stories that progress in difficulty throughout each collection.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Three Stars
By zombie shawn
For my wife's ESL class.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
i really like this book, it is perfect, thanks
By Veronica
it is perfect, and give me a lot of help for my reading class. and the article is very clear for me to read

0 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
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Kamis, 04 September 2014

[L863.Ebook] Free PDF Form & Function: American Modernist Jewelry, 1940-1970, by Marbeth Schon

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Form & Function: American Modernist Jewelry, 1940-1970, by Marbeth Schon

This book is the catalog for two of the first major exhibits to show only modernist jewelry from such a broad group of artists. Both take place in 2008 in Fort Wayne, Indiana: one at The Fort Wayne Museum of Art (May 2 to August 24) and the other at The

  • Sales Rank: #766797 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Schiffer Publishing
  • Published on: 2008-05-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 11.10" h x 1.20" w x 8.60" l, 3.45 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 256 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Another Marbeth Modernists Masterpiece!
By Mimi Dee Artwear
What a book! Just when you think you know our American Jewelry Modernists, Marbeth gives us her second book and so much more to appreciate. Her indepth knowledge of their lives and the delish jewelry photography makes one wish we owned them all. For decades without knowing about these Marvy Modernists, I have shared their passion for manipulating metal in my own primitive manner, never knowing that one day they would be introduced to me and their work would bring me such joy in the form of Marbeth's Modernist Movement Jewelry books. Collectors of vintage and contemporary Made in USA signed studio jewelry this, Ms Schon's second, is a must addition to any jewelry book library! Own it and enjoy!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Landmarks in Scholarship
By Stephen H. Borkowski
Summarizing my other review would seem redundant so I refer to it. We are all in her debt for the pioneering effort and scholarship. Her untimely death a great loss.

Stephen H. Borkowski, Chairman
Provincetown Historical Commission

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Form & Function: American Modernist Jewelry, 1940-1970, by Marbeth Schon PDF

Form & Function: American Modernist Jewelry, 1940-1970, by Marbeth Schon PDF
Form & Function: American Modernist Jewelry, 1940-1970, by Marbeth Schon PDF

Rabu, 03 September 2014

[Q408.Ebook] Ebook Download Machine Learning in Action, by Peter Harrington

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Machine Learning in Action, by Peter Harrington


Machine Learning in Action is unique book that blends the foundational theories of machine learning with the practical realities of building tools for everyday data analysis. You'll use the flexible Python programming language to build programs that implement algorithms for data classification, forecasting, recommendations, and higher-level features like summarization and simplification.

About the Book

A machine is said to learn when its performance improves with experience. Learning requires algorithms and programs that capture data and ferret out the interesting or useful patterns. Once the specialized domain of analysts and mathematicians, machine learning is becoming a skill needed by many.

Machine Learning in Action is a clearly written tutorial for developers. It avoids academic language and takes you straight to the techniques you'll use in your day-to-day work. Many (Python) examples present the core algorithms of statistical data processing, data analysis, and data visualization in code you can reuse. You'll understand the concepts and how they fit in with tactical tasks like classification, forecasting, recommendations, and higher-level features like summarization and simplification.

Readers need no prior experience with machine learning or statistical processing. Familiarity with Python is helpful.

Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.

What's Inside
  • A no-nonsense introduction
  • Examples showing common ML tasks
  • Everyday data analysis
  • Implementing classic algorithms like Apriori and Adaboos
  • Machine learning basics
  • Classifying with k-Nearest Neighbors
  • Splitting datasets one feature at a time: decision trees
  • Classifying with probability theory: na�ve Bayes
  • Logistic regression
  • Support vector machines
  • Improving classification with the AdaBoost meta algorithm
  • Predicting numeric values: regression
  • Tree-based regression
  • Grouping unlabeled items using k-means clustering
  • Association analysis with the Apriori algorithm
  • Efficiently finding frequent itemsets with FP-growth
  • Using principal component analysis to simplify data
  • Simplifying data with the singular value decomposition
  • Big data and MapReduce
    • Sales Rank: #208506 in Books
    • Brand: Brand: Manning Publications
    • Published on: 2012-04-19
    • Original language: English
    • Number of items: 1
    • Dimensions: 9.25" h x 1.02" w x 7.38" l, 1.44 pounds
    • Binding: Paperback
    • 384 pages
    • Used Book in Good Condition

    About the Author

    Peter Harrington holds a Bachelors and a Masters Degrees in Electrical Engineering. He is a professional developer and data scientist. Peter holds five US patents and his work has been published in numerous academic journals.

    Most helpful customer reviews

    63 of 67 people found the following review helpful.
    Little on Theory, Too Much on UI
    By Jeremy Kun
    I agree with other reviewers' complaints on the repetitiveness and poor flow of this book, but I want to point out some other concerns and appreciations.

    In the preface Harrington emphasizes the importance of knowing the theory and being able to connect the theory to the algorithms and applications. I wholeheartedly agree with this statement, but it appears Harrington forgot this was his stated goal. The mathematics contained in the book is wishy-washy and vague, and its connections to the algorithms is at best tenuous. Harrington rarely explains why a particular formula is used, and when he does he's really explaining how it's used and not why it makes sense to use it (given, this is a common criticism of applied mathematics). He will often throw in mathematical jargon without a useable explanation. And for every paragraph spent on mathematical theory, five paragraphs are spent on how to use various third-party libraries for graphing, UI, and data collection (e.g., Tkinter, Matplotlib, Yahoo! PlaceFinder API, Google Shopping API, etc.). These are great, but they massively clutter the text. I'd much rather have a 200 page appendix than have circuitous detours sprinkled throughout the book.

    One big plus is in his treatment of support vector machines. He includes (unlike many texts which are solely about support vector machines) a complete python implementation of the Sequential Minimal Optimization algorithm. That being said, it's a horrendous piece of code clearly not written for legibility. This page (page 109) is littered with at least fifteen 1-3 letter variable names and pointless statements like "if L==H: print 'L==H'; continue". Harrington is apparently afraid of using whitespace, and as the function goes on it becomes increasingly cramped and impossible to read (mostly due to the pervasive use of backslashes to denote line continuations). Instead of breaking the code into functions and explaining the pieces, Harrington uses a comment-style typeset code annotation. In my opinion this only helps to clutter the page. It's clear this piece of code (as with his other code samples) were heavily constrained by the page width. It's the author and editor's job to compensate for that; they failed.

    So while this book has a lot of valuable resources in it, they should fix it in two ways. First, quit pretending this is a useful mathematical treatment. Second, reorganize.

    I will say at least, that with these minor modifications, this text is *vastly* better than Marsland's attempt, "Machine Learning, an Algorithmic Perspective."

    31 of 33 people found the following review helpful.
    Good attempt but needs LOT of improvement
    By Arun R
    Looking at many good reviews on amazon, I decided to purchase this book. It's a decent book, but IMO it has been edited poorly and the code has not been tested properly.

    The introduction chapter got me really excited, just like other Manning's "in Action" books do. But once I started executing the code in chapter 2 "Classifying with k-nearest neighbors" I realized that the code had bugs. Though I could figure out what's wrong and fix the bugs, I did not expect this from Manning, after having read some of their excellent books like (The Quick Python Book, Second Edition, Spring in Action and Hadoop in Action).

    Moreover the book has some introduction to python and numpy in appendix A. I believe the author could have pointed the reader elsewhere for learning python and those pages could have been used to explain more of numpy and matplotlib, which the author uses freely without any explanation in the text. (Yup, be ready to read some online numpy and matplotlib tutorials and documentation.)

    If you don't know python, then you can do what I did: read The Quick Python Book, Second Edition and then attempt this book.

    The figures in the book are not in color so you need to execute the code to understand what the author is telling. It forces you to actually run the code, which is good, but you can't read this book without a computer in front of you.

    Finally, I am a big believer in following the conventions of a language. I would have been really happy had the author followed PEP8 ([...]), because along with learning machine learning, you could have learnt some good python coding practices.

    50 of 58 people found the following review helpful.
    Great idea, terrible execution
    By Andy55555
    Using Python and NumPy code to teach machine learning is a great idea. Well-written Python is so easy to understand that it's often called 'executable pseudocode', and third-party extensions such as NumPy and SciPy make it competitive with platforms like Matlab for math and science application programming. The author seems to know his subject, and he had another good idea when deciding to structure the book around the ten most popular machine learning algorithms (though he only ends up covering eight of them for reasons he explains in the introduction). Unfortunately, the book is poorly written and even more poorly edited; it reads like a very rough draft that was put once through a spell-checker and then published. The text is repetitive, confused, and often doesn't match up with the code and data sets to which it refers. Color-coded figures are published (in the print edition) in black and white. I'd hesitate to trust this author and publisher again (not to mention the reviewers who gave the book four or five stars).

    See all 30 customer reviews...

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    Machine Learning in Action, by Peter Harrington PDF

    Machine Learning in Action, by Peter Harrington PDF
    Machine Learning in Action, by Peter Harrington PDF